Sunday, February 21, 2016

"It Must Be The Shoes"

Ballet Pointe Shoes

 Tap Shoes at Rest After Hours of Rhythmic Dancing

 Black & Silver & Black & White Tap Shoes

                                                                 Super Toe Tap

Morgan Toe Taps--- My Favorite Sound

Tap-Jazz & Ballet Shoes


                                                                 Pointe Shoes W/Taps  
                                                                     On Your Toes Tapper

                                                                   JAZZ SHOE      
                                                                   Guy & Gal Tap Shoes

                                                              Classic Black & Whites

                                                                     Tap Shoe Circle

It's Never To Late

 Black & White Tap Shoes

Thursday, April 5, 2012


                               The "Dancer"---"John Travolta"

                                         1983 Stayin' Alive  

          John Travolta..! Frankly Sensual..! In his 'Own Erotic' way he looks good and moves beautifully. Travolta looks like he has been dancing all his life. Travolta's natural ability and strength make it look like he has studied disco, jazz, and ballet all his life. "I'm even a good Tap Dancer," John says, having studied Tap with Fred Kelly, Gene Kelly's brother when John was 16 or 17.
                              Saturday Night Fever 1977
                           John Travolta as-Tony Manero

          When asked how Travolta bridged the gap between these different forms of dance he has performed, he answers with his usual, rather shy laugh: "Hard Work.!" Doing a country Line Dance, in Urban Cowboy or his Soul Strut in the Movie "Michael" John Travolta shows a unique style all his own. 

                                    John Travolta  
           He may not kick as high, jump as high or turn as fast, but there is a fire and an a raw dramatic and theatrical urgency with his use of his acting skills that Travolta applies when he dances. 
            Dancers, unlike actors are given time limits. "Wait a Minute." John said:  "To make a contribution to Dance and to be as good as I can be, I better get on it..!"
Another great clip of John Travolta Getting On It from "Grease..!"

                           John Travolta- Greased Lightning
            When an Actor studies dance, it isn't with the intention of becoming a dancer, but to use these skills in a movie or in a stage production requiring dance. John Travolta, while preparing for the role in "STAYIN' ALIVE," chose choreographer Dennon Rawls and his wife Sayhber, because they were the only ones who actually let John be brave with dance. "Whoa, this guy hasn't had to many lessons!" and the dancing in "Stayin' Alive" is as a Dancer----> Dances! - - 5-6-7-8--


          John Travolta has always been fascinated by body movement and music.  The fascination of the underdog, the struggling artist. "From birth, everyday is a struggle. To reach maturity is a wonder in itself. Something seems to always be "One Step" ahead of us. "I Want to be a good dancer, better than I am now!" he continued. "Not to audiences who don't know the difference but to be a thoroughbred where dancers know the difference. " "As far as I know, there is no other American Dancer lately who has danced in as many Movies as I have." 

                               John Travolta's "STRUT"   

                "I just DANCE because I love it and people seem to enjoy it!" says John. John's idol, since he was 5 years old has always been James Cagney.  The Great Giants of the Male genre
in American Musical Movie Dance like James Cagney, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire and others has always been something John has been conscious of and their contribution since his childhood.

                             John Travolta as--> "Barbarino"   

          Be it Broadway shows, Television or Movies that John Travolta has appeared in, John has excited young and old to movement and made people think,"Oh, I Can Dance Like that!" Whether it's Disco, Country Western, Swing, Ballet, Jazz or Tap, John Travolta's feelings are, "If I Can Do It, So CanYou!"  

I for one, have always had a good time trying.! Thanks John..!
                            John Travolta "STRUTS" Again                      
                        Dancingly Mr. Shuffles a.k.a. Scott Nicholls 5-6-7-8

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


                               "GEORGE BALANCHINE"
     Professional Dancer from Russia's Imperial Russian Ballet Academy, George Balanchine was brought up in St.Petersburg where the style of dancing was strict and precise. He began his professional career in Leningrad as cupid in SLEEPING BEAUTY at age ten. He started dancing, as did I, at the age of nine and purely by accident. While visiting St.Petersburg, George Balanchines mother signed George up for an audition at the Imperial School. He was asked to merely walk across the floor. He was judged by posture and carriage. Knowing nothing about dance our how to execute a step, had George been asked to do so. After a long wait his name was announced. George had been selected. 
      George hated the school. George ran away feeling that he had NO aptitude for dance. Olga Preobrajenska, a Prima Ballerina at the school felt differently. George came back.

Igor Stravinsky & George Balanchine rehearse Suzanne Farrell

     By 10 while performing Sleeping Beauty, George Balanchine realized he loved the stage and dancing, but to be able to perform on stage, one had to be Very,Very, good.  The lesson in life we ALL learn as did George is when you see what the work can produce, you want to WORK..!  Trained in acting, mime and the importance of stage gesture, George Balanchine learned the importance of stage gesture and how to work within theatrical disciplines to create illusion.

George Balanchine's APOLLO

         In 1921 George Balanchine entered the Conservatory of Music. Now interested in becoming a fine pianist as well as a dancer, George also found a great interest in moving dancers to music and being able to arrange dances. George did not know how to pursue or explain this great interest in Choreography.
        In 1923 George Balanchine presented his first piece called "Evenings of the Young Ballet." By age 21 George had become Ballet Master to Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. Without any reservation George Balanchine feels he owes the Imperial Ballet and Diaghilev for the two hundred year old tradition of discipline and tradition instilled in him for the love of Ballet, its history and artistic principles.
       1933 Les Ballet formed. This was George Balanchine's first company. During this time George Balanchine was invited to the USA to found a school in America. Lincoln Kirstein with Edward M.W.Warburg felt it was necessary for classical ballet to flourish in America. 
       My personal admiration of George Balanchine and his work came from studying his inspirations, work ethics and belief that Talent is God-given. It is NOT given by a nation or a passport. 
What country produces the best dancers narrows down to where you have the best schools and the best teachers. That is where you will find the best dancers no matter what their nationality.
      When asked how to start a piece of choreography, George's answer as is mine, is simply by and idea. Then you find music to fit, or you find music which inspires an idea.
               GEORGE BALANCHINES - The "Nutcracker"

             "To be a distinguished choreographer you must first have been a good dancer. You have to go through a period of preparation. People can be advised about technique, they can be told to do this or that differently, but you cannot advise a person to be talented. He is born talented. It is a strange thing: your life is made somewhere, you are pushed in a certain direction, and you move that way." George Balanchine. 

             Dancingly Mr.Shuffles a.k.a.Scott Nicholls 5-6-7-8