Thursday, January 12, 2012

Famous Dancers

                                                             "PEGGY RYAN"

     An autograph seeker at a Broadway show saw a crowd and pushed his way to the front and asked fellow autograph seekers,"Who is that?"  "It's Peggy Ryan." Never heard of her, what does she do? Patiently the autograph seeker explained, "Peggy was one of the Greatest Dancers in film history."
     Teamed with Peggy Ryan, another talented youngster by the name of Donald O'Connor who I will feature in my next blog of Famous Dancers starred with Peggy Ryan in 14 musicals. All hits and all money makers for Hollywood.  Universal studio had the talented Peggy Ryan under a long-term contract. Donald O'Conner and Peggy Ryan were two of the most popular young film stars of the movie going public around the world. 

     For Peggy, it all began at the age of three, when her mother, Hazel Ryan, arranged for Peggy's first recital after a few months of lessons. It was quickly obvious that Peggy was a natural talent, born with a unique gift.  At age five, mother Ryan had taken Peggy to Hollywood, where she danced in her first film -- "The Wedding of Jack and Jill." The next five years were devoted to more dance lessons. At 10,  mother Ryan and Peggy ventured forth again to Hollywood, this time landing a contract at MGM Studios. Peggy's classmates were a group of talented youngsters, some have referred to as the greatest collection of child film stars in history: Jackie Cooper, Deanna Durbin, Freddie Bartholomew, Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney.
     In a dramatic role and not as a dancer, Peggy played one of the kids in the award-winning "Grapes of Wrath." staring Henry Fonda and directed by  the legendary John Ford. Mr. Ford years later admitted to Peggy that she was selected because she was such a good crier!
     Peggy's career included guest appearances on every top television show of the day, plus the class night clubs and hotels. Peggy was booked at the prestigious London Palladium for a two week engagement, her run was extended to a record nine weeks that included a Command Performance before the King and Queen of England. As a favor for producer Leonard Freeman, Peggy played Jack Lord's secretary on the television show "Hawaii Five-O" for eight years.
     By the time Peggy Ryan was in her early 30's, she had conquered every medium of entertainment, with a string of some 60 films to her credit.

      I was fortunate to study Tap dancing with Famous Dancer Peggy Ryan and had her choreograph me in as the lead dancer in a musical she choreographed in Las Vegas in 1982. From that experience I was able to meet her film partner Donald O'Connor at the Dunes Hotel and Casino and see his show.  Pictured below The Valentine Ball dance segment from "SpeakEasy"-- by Peggy Ryan featuring The Sophisticated Gents and Scott Nicholls..! 
Peggy recommended us to the Famous Dancer Donald O'Connor who hired us,Tracy, Blaine, Scott to the left of Donald to dance with Donald O'Connor at a special performance at the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada.
                                      Dancingly Mr.Shuffles 5-6-7-8


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